During 2018, the RMAG Foundation honored eight research scholarship awardees, listed here with their universities or college and their research topics. Our congratulations to the winners.
LEAH HOUSER, Utah State University: Norman H. Foster Memorial Scholarship
Textural and thermochronologic constrains on the role of friction-generated heat on silica-rich fault mirror surfaces of the Brigham City segment, Wasatch fault zone, Utah
JUSTINE B. MILLARD, University of Nevada, Reno; Veterans Memorial Scholarship
Two-stage opening of the northwestern Basin and Range in eastern Oregon: evidence from the Miocene Crane basin
CAROLINE NAZWORTH, University of Kansas; Michael S. Johnson Special Scholarship
Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of Jurassic-Cretaceous provenance of the Front Range, Colorado
ANNABELLE O’NEILL, Colorado College; Phillip J. McKenna Memorial Scholarship
Cleaning up the gold rush: assessing acid mine drainage contamination in the upper Colorado River basin to support remediation in Silverton and Telluride, Colorado
JUSTINE OVERACKER. University of Nevada, Reno; Stone/Holberg Scholarship
Investigation of vertical motions in the Ogallala aquifer region of the Great Plains: Is anthropogenic interference causing uplift?
ZACHARY Palmer, Colorado School of Mines; Colorado School of Mines Scholarship
Radiometric dating and fluid inclusion analysis of Au-Ag veins from the North Amethyst epithermal deposit, Creede mining district, Colorado
ASHLEY PROVOW, Utah State University; Gary L. Babcock Memorial Scholarship
Reconstructing regional paleofluid-rock interactions in Neoproterozoic siliciclastic rocks of northern Utah.
ANNA STANCZYK, University of Utah; Michael S. Johnson Inaugural Scholarship
Size, dynamics, and age of the valley-blocking rock avalanche in Hop Valley, Zion National Park, Utah
Annabelle O’Neill, Colorado College (right), recipient of the Philip J, McKenna Scholarship, and Zachary Palmer, Colorado School of Mines (left), recipient of the Colorado School of Mines Memorial Scholarship, represented the eight scholarship winners at the Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists luncheon in Denver, Colorado in April. All scholarship winners received a scholarship award check and a certificate honoring their success. The guest speaker at the luncheon was Rebekah Simon, University of Colorado, who received the 2016 Dudley and Marion Bolyard/University of Colorado scholarship for her research on Characterizing residual hydrocarbons, and their role in porosity evolution.